We offer you not just tickets but services

Since our establishment, we have been continuously improving ourselves to provide our valuable corporate clients with the most suitable services. We aim to offer uninterrupted service by expanding our product range with the innovations required by our era.

In our service approach, we embrace indispensable criteria such as VIP service and customer satisfaction for each of our customers. In addition to that, we facilitate access to superior service with attractive prices.

With the slogan "Corporate Travel Consulting," our brand can respond quickly to your changing business travel needs. From the beginning to the end of your travels, we follow and guide you to your destinations. Our goal is to be a pioneer in this field.


Flight Tickets

We securely store customer information for reservations and ticketing, using this information for all transactions. Special accounts like MILE cards, memberships, or additional operations are carefully managed by our company in reservation and ticketing processes.

Hotel Reservations

We carefully make hotel reservations at the best prices and locations based on the requests of your assistants or executives.

Visa Procedures

Our experienced team members accompany you in all aspects of visa application, from application to approval, for the visas required in the countries you will be traveling to.

Transfer and Car Rental Services

We complete domestic and international transfers or car rental services for your guests or for all your travel needs professionally, whether economically or in luxury, with our professional team members.

Closed Group Tours and Dealer Organizations

We plan your tour day by day according to the requests of your assistants or yourself, whether domestic or abroad, and offer you the best programs.

Meeting and Presentation Organizations (MICE)

In the fast-paced business world, we provide great efficiency in meeting and event organization, representing your corporate identity effectively while considering the best options for you.

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